The roller coaster life of a stay-home-mom in her early twenties! Hang on tight!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Funtastic weekend!!!!

I had a great weekend! It was filled with ducks, balloons and loads of shopping :)

Friday: We had a fun experience with some baby chicks that day. Jake's Grandmother told us that there were a new shipment of them at Clarks feed and seed and they were letting kids pet them and take pics for Easter. Nee Nee was so excited to let Amelia see them, especially since she grew up on a farm. So we all piled up in the car and headed to the store. Amelia liked the chicks but I really don't think she understood they were animals. She would touch them and pull her hand back in shock lol. However we took so CUTE pics :)

Saturday: I went out with mom mama for our weekly Saturday fun. We went out for dinner for her birthday  and tried a new restaurant and it was great. We gave Amelia some fish and chicken which she loved. Of course as soon as we sat down, Amelia wanted to be picked up by her Yaya. 

After our wonderful dinner, we took her to see the big fountain at providence and she walked all the way up to it and then jumped back into my arms. Apparently the fountain was not as fun up close lol. Then we went to the mall and had fun looking at outfits. I am happy to say thanks to my mom I now have a new Easter dress. Amelia was so exhausted that she fell asleep while in her stroller. 
talk about shop till you drop : P

We did all this trying to beat the horrible storms that were supposed to hit that afternoon. (they never hit lol). But it was still loads of fun. 

Sunday: LOVED church!!! For the first time since the christening my mom and sister came with me and Amelia to church. I was so happy to have them there and the service was great. It is so nice to have a church that feels like home. The people are so genuinely nice and care for one another. They welcomed my family with open arms it made my heart happy. :) 
The only down fall to church that day was the new daycare workers. They had their 3 1/2 year old, in there with all the babies and he pushed Amelia down and gave her a bruise on her head :( and they also gave her her bottle 2 hours early... ugggg I was to say the least annoyed. But hopefully next week will be better. 

Later in the day Jake had a meeting at work that he required to go to so me and Amelia tagged along and decided to go walking while daddy worked :) It was such beautiful day  and we walked up and down bridge street for over an hour. I am determined to strengthen up this hip. And the walk was nice too. When Jake got out we went on a family walk around with him too. We stopped at the man making balloon animals and got Amelia a teddy bear. She played with it and it didn't pop! I know i was surprised too lol .

Well the only other thing to report is we have now had to lower Amelia's crib. I walked in at naptime yesterday and there she was standing up and very close to falling over. So daddy lowered it and also for the first time in 4 days she slept 8 hours straight and she was in her crib!!! Talk about a happy mommy and daddy :)

Well that's the catch up lol


sweet quite moments :)


  1. Oh my cute are those ducklings? Just stopping over, love your blog. Your little girl is adorable just like the ducklings :-)

    1. Thank you! You are so sweet I love your blog too!


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